President of the Section:

D. Sc. Eng. Izabela Rojek


Vice-Presidents of theSection:
D. Sc. Eng. Andrzej Jardzioch


Members of theSection:

D. Sc. Eng. Waldemar Bojar
D. Sc. Eng. Anna Burduk
D. Sc. Eng. Ewa Dostatni
D. Sc. Eng. Jan Duda
D. Sc. Eng. Marek Macko
D. Sc. Eng. Krzysztof Pietrusewicz
Prof. D. Sc. Eng.  Krzysztof Santarek


External Experts:

D. Sc. Eng. Przemysław Niewiadomski
D. Sc. Eng. Sylwester Oleszek