1. Meetings of Section members (once every six months) as part of conferences and other scientific events, but also dedicated meetings, especially concerning the financing of scientific activities based on funds from Regional Operational Programs, NCBiR, WFOŚ and other institutions
  2. Building a network of cooperation between the members of the Section and their research facilities in order to implement joint research projects
  3. Seminar on product life cycle in the era of Industry 4.0 - LCA on Industry 4.0
  4. Participation of members in the International Conference on Production Management and Packaging 25-26.11.2021, the subject of this edition is: "Standardization in management processes" with an emphasis on the food processing industry
  5. Development of a meta-analysis on solving the Toxic Urban Sewage (TUS) issue - contamination of municipal wastewater with toxic industrial wastewater in Polish cities
  6. Seminar with representatives of the Association of Polish Cities: business conditions (legal, organizational) determining the reduction of their environmental impact
  7. Seminar on modeling the dynamics of the impact of enterprises on the environment